Frequently Asked Questions
Have a look through my FAQ’s, you might find what you’re looking for there! If not, or if you need more information, feel free to reach out, i’d love to hear from you!
Why would I benefit from Coaching with you?
Sue is an Executive Coach with demonstrated experience working as a Human Resource practitioner and as a General Manager working in small to medium size organisations.
Sue’s approach to working with clients is to act a ‘sounding-board’ to help you clarify your challenges or concerns, discover the real issues and work with you to resolve them.
Some examples:
Are you may be experiencing issues in relation to strategic decisions and the best way to propel your business forward?
Are you may be experiencing conflict between senior managers or team members?
You may need to have that courageous conversation with a trusted member of staff.
Sue works with you to assist you gain the confidence and skills to enable exceptional outcomes.
What is the cost?
The cost will vary depending on what is required.
I provide a 30-minute initial meeting (at no charge) to determine if I can help you.
The standard coaching approach is – Six (6) one (1) hour coaching sessions, this includes follow up calls on a regular basis.
What is the standard coaching approach?
Six (6) one (1) hour coaching sessions, this includes follow up calls on a regular basis.
Do you only work with women?
I work with anyone, however, I am passionate about helping women…
Can you provide a Testimonial?
Yes, on request.